Saturday, April 21, 2012

Istanbul Days 1 & 2!

Hello from Istanbul! I don't know how long this will be because it's a little tedious to be typing this on my iPad, but I thought I would give a quick update on my time in Istanbul! I flew in on Wednesday night (I have about 10 days off for spring break) and was met at the airport by my wonderful daddy! It was pretty late, so we just took a taxi to the hotel near the old city and went to bed shortly after that! Yesterday, we got a bit of a late start - my dad is recovering from jetlag - and caught the end of the buffet breakfast downstairs which was delicious - fresh squeezed orange juice and honey with the honey comb in it! Pretty delicious. After breakfast, we headed out for a big walk around the city and to see all the big sights! We went to the Hagia Sophia, the Blue Mosque, and then later in the afternoon went across the river (still in th Europe side) and went up the Galat Tower to get a great look around the city from above! Pretty incredible. Today, we also had a little trouble getting put the door, but once we did, we went to Topkopi Palace and the Harem (which was the best part), and then we went back to the Grand Bazaar (I forgot hat we stopped by there and the spice bazaar yesterday!) and got a little's pretty easy. And it's also a little exhausting because the whole time you're basically accosted by people trying to get you to come in and buy things! We've had some pretty yummy Turkish food which is mostly lamb and rice and yoghurt and that kind of stuff - they also really love green peppers, which isn't so fortunate for us! But we are still finding some delicious things to eat! I'm struggling to figure out how to upload pictures using this device, so I will post some tomorrow! A bientot!

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