Thursday, December 15, 2011

Finis, Finis, Finis, Finis....Kind of...

Sooooo it's vacation! I wish that meant that I was done with the semester, but I suppose I'll live...

But I spent the last few days really working on this report on the Nigerian economy which I am actually moderately proud of. It was supposed to be a minimum of 15 pages and a maximum of 30...and with the bibliographie and all of the introduction pages, I got to page 20! Not too bad. I'm pretty sure it's relatively coherent, has a thesis, and hopefully the format isn't completely wrong....

So now I have off from classes until the 3rd of January! Which for me, seems like an ETERNITY. I'm so excited! And my parents get here tomorrow!

Here are some photos -- one is the Christmas tree in the Opera Gernier gift shop that's covered with little ballerina mice...and the other is Pastel helping me with my paper the other day! He's so thoughtful...

A bientot!

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