Monday, May 21, 2012

Almost Au Revoir??!

Oh how time does fly!! i have less than 48 hours left in this wonderful city. And i'm in the middle of a room filled with clothes strewn all over the place...

i'm finally done with all of my school work as of last Tuesday -- it's such a relief to finally be done with everything and not be writing any more papers en francais and trying to decode 16th century French literature. it's still my natural reaction to be thinking about what work i have to do next or what i should be reading....and then i realize that i don't have anything else to do!

On Tuesday night, i left to go to Bordeaux with Jean-Nicolas for 5 days. We got to his friend Yann's around 10pm and ate some dinner and then headed to bed! On Wednesday, we slept late, and then we went to swim practice #1 at noon -- and then since it was beautiful outside, we ate lunch at a cafe outside which was delicious, and walked around the city for a bit!


After walking around, we went back to the pool for practice #2! And then had dinner and hung out -- which was kind of the theme for the weekend.....Thursday was a jour ferie again, and so we mostly hung out around the house. it was sunny, but kind of muggy. We went grocery shopping at Carrefour Planet which is kind of like Walmart.....pretty ridiculous.

Friday, the weather changed to the rainy and chilly side -- which contiuned throughout the weekend. We swam twice again and took it easy. Nothing too interesting!

Saturday, we got up and made pancakes (American style) -- and then headed off to Libourne (about 40 minutes away) for the 12th annual Meeting de Vins -- a swim meet where they give out wine for getting the top 3 places! Unfortunately, the weather wasn't great, so it probably wasn't as great as it i had imagined it, but oh well! We still had a good time.

i swam (and won) the 200 back on Saturday, and Jean-Nic won the 200 breastroke! We each got two bottles of wine -- a 1.5L and a .75L bottle. Luckily, the rain held out for us then, but we weren't so lucky on Sunday!

Sunday, we had to get there early...and it was FREEZiNG! Not only the air, but the water also.....and then of course, it was raining cats and dogs. Yippee. i swam the 100 back and the 100 free and both were pretty painful....hard to swim fast when it's so cold! After the morning session, we went to McDonald's (yes, McDonald's) for lunch because that was basically the only option in Libourne!

We went back to the pool for the afternoon session and i got second in the 100 back and then won the B Final of the 100 free! Not too shabby considering the conditions. But i got two more bottles of wine for the 2nd place finish which was exciting!

So all in all, a wonderful and low-key trip. We drove back with Yann's father last night and finally made it back to Paris around 2:30am.....and now i'm in the process of organizing all of my stuff and packing things up and saying good-byes! Which needless to say, i'm not very happy about at all....

Here are some pictures from Bordeaux:

Brisbane -- one of Yann's three adorable cats!!

The pool at Libourne 

Me and Jean-Nic

Our winnings from day 1!

Well that's about it -- a bientot! (Maybe?? Don't know!)

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