Thursday, May 3, 2012

Un dejeuner delicieux et plus des vacances!

So i can't really start this without mentioning the ridiculously delicious lunch that i had today with Jean-Nicolas. We met near Place d'italie and walked to Rue Cinq Diamants where we went to Chez Gladines. it was a cute little place that was pretty simple and specializes in Basque-style food (also known as the 64th arrondissement in the southwest of France). So we each ordered a salad, which is what they specialize in, which come in basically in these mixing bowls -- mine had lettuce, tomatoes, yummy cheese, an egg, some country ham, and a delicious dressing! So good. We also had some pate which was equally as delicious, and for dessert, i had pretty much my favorite non-chocolate dessert: riz au lait -- or as they had it, riz ole! Which was again, equally yummy!

Anyways, let's go back to spring vacation! i believe i ended up on Athens....i don't think i mentioned that we went to the big Olympic stadium that was first used in Athens in 1896 (i'm pretty sure....). it also had an amazing view of the Acropolis! From there, we walked back to the old town and had some dinner at a place that was gorgeous and outside and was crawling with cute kitty cats!

After our delicious dinner - we headed back to our hotel and got our bags, and then took the metro down to the port of Piraeus which is just about 20 minutes away from Athens. We got our tickets for the ferry and then boarded the boat! We found our cozy little room and settled in for the night! Around 6:30am, we were woken up and got dressed and then got off the boat and were in Crete! Crazy how that happened....

We walked along the coast to find our hotel which was about a 20 minute walk from the port of Heraklion. We actually went to sleep for about 2 hours, and finally woke up and headed downstairs for the buffet breakfast. After that, we went out to explore Heraklion -- which actually wasn't all that exciting...pretty touristy and not super clean. We got sort of tired easily (i guess this was kind of our halfway slump) - and ended up going to have some lunch back by our hotel and then went back to our room....and slept for another 3.5 hours.....oops. 

OK -- i'm putting off the rest of this wonderful trip until tomorrow because i promised myself that i would at least get a little bit of work done!

But here are some pictures:

Stadium in Athens

Leaving the port

View of the Med. Sea from our hotel room in Crete

Me and my daddy at dinner!

A bientot!

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