Saturday, January 14, 2012

Les Francais et la piscine, un grand repas avec la famille, et une pense?

So I woke up to an email from my swim coach that was sent to everyone in the club announcing that the pool where we usually practice will be closed for the next 15 days. Why? Because they found some type of icky bacteria in the showers. Yippee. When I told Marilu about it -- she nearly had a panic attack and told me that I was forbidden to go to that pool. I told her not to worry, and that they would be testing all the water in the showers before they reopen it in (hopefully) two weeks. She still seemed uneasy...but we'll get to that barrier in 2 weeks. I think they have to "shock" all the water or something like that to kill it all....

So with that, I headed back to Piscine Keller where I've been swimming the past few days. The pool didin't open until 9am, so I got there a little before then so that I could make sure that I was one of the first ones in. I was relieved when I got there to find only about 3 or 4 others waiting -- well that was shortlived as within the next 10 minutes, probably about 30 more people showed up. But I'm terrible number-estimator, so it it could have been anywhere from 15 to 45 most likely.

They decided to let us in a few minutes after 9 -- that's another funny think about the French and their pools -- the opening time is more like an opening guideline. If they feel like opening at 9, then fine. If not? Well too bad for you. They said that there was no one to run the desk up front and that was the cause of the delay. Well it seems like they didn't find anyone to do that job, because they let everyone in for free at about 9:10. I wasn't complaining. I don't qualify for the "Tarif Reduit" at this pool because I have no piece of ID that has my name AND my address in Paris -- and in order to get the lower price, one has to be under 26 and a resident of Pair-ee.

I'll be brief about my swimming experience, as if I drag it out, I'm likely to just get frustrated again. French people really don't know how to swim. At all. And additionally, they have absolutely no swimming etiquette or common sense as to how to share a lane with other people. After about 80 minutes of sort of swimming, doing some abs on the deck, waiting for more lanes to open, I finally called it quits and left.

I came home to lunch preparations -- all smelling wonderful. We had quite the big lunch of Portuguese nature -- different kinds of meat all cooked together and vegetables and potatoes boiled with chorizo sausages and then all mixed together and served. There was also boiled cabbage and I got a fresh baguette from across the street (which was still warm!). For dessert -- perhaps my favorite part (not that that should be surprising) -- Marilu and her mother made riz au lait which was Dee. Lish. She cooked the rice along with a little bit of lemon peel and obviously milk/cream, and then she sprinkled cinnamon on top. It was incredible. We all had a lovely time -- we were 8: me, Marilu, Alain, Nyanya, the twins, and then the twins' parents (so their son and his wife).

I would love to say that I had a productive afternoon, but I would be lying...I couldn't stay awake (I was woken up by the twins calling for Marilu a little earlier than I would have liked) and so Pastel and I took a little sieste on my couch.

Around 6:30, I took the metro to Grands Boulevards to meet my friends Mimi and Reid for drinks. They had gotten a table at the "Indiana Cafe" which was definitely Native American themed -- and in a very odd sort of way. They had each ordered a beer by the time I got there, and so I did the same. They had yet to try it before I ordered mine, and their facial expressions could not have been more entertaining. When I tried my own, I definitely understood. It tasted kind of like a beer-soda-lime juice mixture. It was very odd. Not terrible, but definitely filled me right up -- and it's probably not anything I'll be seeking out again.

That about sums up the day -- I need to get working on this last little paper, and it's been difficult to motivate myself to do so (surprise!). Maybe tomorrow?

I need to get back on track with taking daily pictures -- I can no longer be looking for Christmas-themed photos which is kind of a bummer! Although many of the festive lights still decorate the city.

I'll keep yesterday's photo theme going for now though...this one's from Lyon a month ago (wow - a month ago?!):

A bientot!

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