Saturday, September 24, 2011

Le Champs de Mars.

Today was somewhat of a lazy Saturday -- I didn't set an alarm, which was wonderful and slept in until about 10. Then I puttered around until I left to go meet Jennifer at her metro stop. We started walking around and then headed over to the Ile-de-Saint-Louis which is just charming. We found this cute little place and decided to eat there -- we were hoping to have the Prix Fixe menu, but then found out that it was only on weekdays. Oh well. I decided to have a piece of quiche with bacon, ham, and cheese, with some mixed greens! Absolutely delicious! And then Jennifer and I both split a crepe with Nutella -- yum!

After that, we mostly just wandered around. We found this organic cafe where they have a vegetable basket or fruit basket each week that you can buy and pick up (reminded me of AJP's in Athens!), and some other cute shops that we stopped in.

On my way home, I stopped in Monoprix and got some stuff to make penne carbonara for my dinner and some wine (!). Crazy that I can buy that here. It felt very odd -- I didn't even get asked for ID! I headed home after that and attempted to do some reading and got ready for practice.

I'm really enjoying this swim team -- all of the people are really nice, even though a lot of them are clearly like, "who is this girl??". We actually did 5300 (long course meters) today! And I'm actually sore! Afterwards, I walked to the metro station with some of the kids from the team and talked to them, which was pretty awesome! I can tell that this is really going to help my French. After 4 practices, I'm already getting to know a lot more of the swim lingo and understand what's going on, which is very exciting!

Marilu and Alain went to the theater tonight, so I made myself some penne carbonara with some asparagus and broccolini on top! Delicious! And I also had a piece of bread and watched Glee....whoops.

After that, I went over to the Champs de Mars to meet a few people and we sat on the lawn and had some wine and just chatted! It was really nice and relaxing, and there were a bunch of creepers there....I won't go into details....but overall, it was nice!

Heading to bed now to rest up for Versailles tomorrow! No picture for today -- but plenty tomorrow to make up for it!

A demain!

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