I guess I should begin by saying that I'm still alive?
I started my day off with a somewhat brief run -- it was a bit overwhelming. I began with a loop around the Champs de Mars, passing by the Eiffel Tower, and then continued on through the roads (I don't know exactly where). I think I almost was run over at least twice, but luckily survived each time....
I finally had my first breakfast that wasn't toasted baguette with jam which was nice, and prepared to leave the apartment after a long-winded explanation about how it would be better to take the bus than the metro because it's closer, etc. And indeed, the bus stop about a 2 minute walk down the street. There's also a bank (the one that I need!) right across the street, a cafe that serves brunch and lunch called "Aux 3 Cheries", and the little grocery store, too. All very convenient.
Let's just say that I successfully made it on to the bus, off of the bus, and to Reid Hall where we were all meeting at 12:30. Martine provided an absolutely delicious lunch of quiche (or a "tarte") either with spinach and cheese, or spinach and salmon -- I tried both, and they were both to die for. At LEAST an inch, probably more like 1.5" deep. Incredible. After going though quite the plethora of things to know in Paris, we were treated to eclaires. Silly me for thinking they were going to be the size of my thumb like in the US. It was as least 6 to 8 inches long, and completely filled with a thick chocolate mousse-type filling. Again, incredible.
I spent the afternoon with a Miss Kristine Leary (from BHS '09) who's studying this semester in Copenhagen and was here for the weekend with a few friends. We just walked around for a while -- we got coffee -- meaning I got the most expensive cup of tea ever. And she introduced me to the metro system! Glad I didn't have to do it by myself.
I FINALLY met my host "mother" who was here upon my return. She is incredible. I love her already. She had just returned from Portugal where she was visiting her mother (who I'm told is coming for Christmas), and brought with her all sorts of delectables. So for dinner this evening, we had a tomato "salad", followed by these Portuguese pastries which were very flaky and filled with a meat paste. Very interesting -- not bad at all, but probably not my favorite food in the world. I preferred the dessert which were these small doughnut looking pastries (also with flaky layers -- surprise!), but covered with a sugar glaze with some coconut flavor? Again, interesting. I suppose that they really like flaky pastries in Portugal.
I suppose that's about it for today! Paris is quite an incredible city (both gastronomically and otherwise..).
A tout a l'heure!
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