My Pensee Economique class met for the second time today. It continues to be, um, interesting. I made a friend today -- who confirmed that, no, I was not the only one who was somewhat lost -- everyone felt that way. Also, I've decided that taking economics, not only just in French, but I French taught by someone who's native language is NOT French, but Spanish, is rather difficult. But again, I've confirmed that I'm not the only one who has a hard time understanding her -- it's everyone. The professor also gives us two fifteen minute breaks during class (which is supposed to be 3 hours long) and also let us out half an hour early....
I got a salad from my favorite boulanger today on my way to Reid Hall -- today's had ham, cheese, hard boiled egg, tomatoes, and some green beans! It was so good. I figure if I alternate between getting that (or the equivalent) and something from Dia, it about averages out to my 5 euro/day limit....
I met with Katia (our tutor) to discuss how to write my plan/outline for my 15-page "fiche du pays" that I have to write for the end of the semester. She helped me to organize my ideas in the "French" way, which was good because it wasn't exactly the way that I had originally written it out....
After finishing that up, I headed across the river to my France and Africa class, and then back to Institut Catholique for Economie du Developpement -- which, to our delight, was only 2 hours and not 3! We all thought that the professor was incorrect, but we're pretty sure he was right because there was a group of unhappy looking adults waiting impatiently outside of the room as we filed out....oops.
Marilu was putting in a quiche to bake as I got home -- we chatted, and then ate dinner fairly soon after. We finished up the pate from the other day, and she had gotten a fresh baguette today which was in-cred-i-ble. The crust was so crisp and flaky and delicious. Then we had the ham and cheese quiche for the main course with some salad on the side. Yum! Quiche, as I'm sure I've said before, is definitely on my list of favorite French foods. She also made these little cakes this morning that we had for dessert -- I can't remember what they were called, but she made them in a mold, and then they were almost raw in the middle -- and had a sugary glaze on the outside. They were also, delicious.
Heading to bed now -- two more classes between me and vacation! And one more paper to write -- I'll attack that tomorrow...
Picture from the archives -- flowers from the market!
A bientot!
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