About to head to bed, but just thought I'd quickly recount the day -- which was a fairly lazy one -- well, mostly.
I got up at 6:25(!) to go swim from 7 to 8:30. Silly me for thinking that I would just be doing my own thing -- my coach was actually there for the masters' team and so I ended up swimming 'with' them in that lane (which was probably a good thing overall, because otherwise I wouldn't have been able to get anything done). But the practice ended up being pretty difficult -- especially after the 6000 from last night. The coach (Mathieu) really seems to like "quatre nage" -- or IM -- and "pap" -- butterfly. But it was nice because at the end, I was the only one left in the pool and so I got to do some technique stuff with him to work on my backstroke! Which probably wasn't quite as effective as it could have been because my arms were so tired...
I got back home and ate breakfast with Marilu and puttered around for a bit. It was a cool morning but the sun was shining -- but finally, I could sit on my "canope" -- pronounced "can-oh-pay" -- with the sun coming through the window and not start to sweat profusely...So I lay down and started to read my play for my theater class -- which turns out was kind of a bad idea because I ended up falling asleep. Whoops.
After who knows how long, I got up and went to the kitchen to start my one baking project of the week (my new limit) -- my favorite continues to be chocolate chip cookies, which have started turning out really well. Perhaps it's because I usually cut up 3 to 4 chocolate bars to mix into the dough....different kinds of chocolate, of course.
Marilu made me eggs for lunch which I ate along with some pain du mais and some her homemade jam (yum!!). We chatted, and she told me how she's going to 'force' me to go out and hang out with friends because I'm naturally inclined to stay in and be content doing nothing....which sounds oh so familiar!
Around 3:45, I left to go meet KATIE JAGEL (BHS '09) at the bus station where she was getting in at 4:30, which turned out to be more like 6:00pm, from London. It was quite a peaceful wait -- I finished my play, watched some 14 year old looking girl light up a cigarette, had a conversation with people that I think were Portuguese, but also spoke French, and definitely saw a different cultural side of Paris!
Katie and I attempted to go to the Pere Lachaise Cemetery, but it closed just as we got there (going back tomorrow), and so we ended up wandering around the 20th and 11th arrondissements before taking the subway back to the Champs de Mars. It continues to be really interesting to see the different neighborhoods.
Marilu made a delicious quiche with tomatoes, eggplant, zucchini, and chevre tonight -- so so good! Quiche is really becoming one of my favorite foods. And then after dinner, Katie and I watched "Bridesmaids" that I rented from iTunes on my computer.
Promise pictures tomorrow, but time for bed!
A demain!
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