Being that today was predominantly a lazy Friday, I tried to ponder some more about things that I've found interesting since I've gotten here.
First, I have to wonder how everyone in France isn't perpetually sick. The whole "kissing" thing continues to baffle me a bit -- I've gotten more used to it as someone comes closer and goes in to "say hello"! But really -- when we shake hands, yes, it's not the most sanitary act in the world, but the French greeting is kind of full on breathing in the face! And I truly don't mean that in a disgusting way, just that if everyone is always doing that -- how on earth do people stay healthy!
I also had someone ask me about how the French people have or haven't been responsive to me and/or Americans. As most people know -- there's a stereotype that the French hate Americans and aren't receptive. I think that stereotype is fairly incorrect. I think the prime example of this could be when I arrived at the pool this morning at 6:50am and I even got the French greeting! I explained to Marilu that when we had morning practice in the states, we usually grunt a greeting, and only speak to each other about halfway through practice, or sometimes not until the end...never would we say good morning at that insanely early hour with kisses. So, I would say, that the French can be pretty friendly. In fact, on the whole, it's considered rude if you walk into a store and don't say bonjour to the cashier, and they're usually the first to say bonjour to you. As long as you make an effort, they'll be nice. Obviously, if you refuse to try and speak French or are doing something blatantly disrespectful -- I would expect otherwise.
Those were two of the things I wanted to talk about this evening. There are always more ideas and thoughts that are running through my mind that I think would be interesting to discuss, but again, my brain isn't exactly at its peak when I write these entries!
I appreciate all those who've emailed me to say that they're reading my blog! It really means a lot to know that I've got people out there who take a peak now and then.
I'll try to find a good picture for tomorrow, too.
A demain!
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